Sunday, January 27, 2008
life always missed
my life has passed in days by days
and months and years
and in so many other ways
like in fits of laughter and just crying hard
thoughts overwhelming wishing so hard that you could be home
desperately trying to escape parents in doom
because it's scary now that you know
hoping to be respected well
all the while missing being daddy's little girl.
all of life's twisted facts
believing once that you were safe
but now knowing not,
smirking about little kids missing entirely
little side conservations about how funny they are
those times when they are entirely sincere.
those times that made life special disappear
now that we know how to act sincere,
now that we are all growed up
we figure out life sucks
get used to it.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I Am Noddle
yellow ball over the net(tennis), from
talk about Babe Ruth, Mickey Mantel and
all those other guys, proudly wearing
I am from the warm,k cheesy smell
of pizza as my brother, dad and i
wait for our pizza at the counter of
Pizza Post, of how we always used to
geta slice of pepperoni from the owner
as he and my dad talked about the
latest Yankee news
I am from the trips to Camp Jewel
and Camp Highrock, with the huge lake
filled with salamanders, that always seemed
so easy to catch and put
in little waterbottles
I am from spending days on end
with my cousins during the summer
and Christmas holidays. putting on belly-
laughing plays and songs, and singing Christmas
carols by the warm, crackling fire
I am from stressing over tests and grades,
waiting for school to end so i can finally be free,
rushing through my homework so i can
actually do something fun
I am from the CWP with its spiffy computers
and pages and pages of outstanding writing
just waiting to be read, of how i meet so many
new friends, Charlotte, Veronika, Madeline<333,
Caitlin, Brianne, Bela<333, Noah, Quinn, and so many
others. Of how veronika and i used to steal Carls coffee every
I am from sneaking a bite of cookie dough from the
fridge when no one was looking, savoring the taste
until the last little bit is gone and then going
back to the fridge for just a bit more
I am from piles and piles of books stacked all around
me, escaping to another world with just a turn of a page
escaping, but not that far away from my own
roller coaster of a life
I know, this sucks but wateva, if you have any ideas plzzzz tell.
Monday, January 14, 2008
CWP Memoir
Fairfield University was a respectable place. Immaculate lawns, trees ready for climbing, and old looking brick buildings welcomed you to a summer program you may never forget. I loved this after just a few days at the Connecticut Writing Program. Friends surrounded me in the semi young group first consisting of Brianne, Charlotte, Noodle, me, and sometimes Caitlin, Gina, and Maria. We were happy just writing in a place that was almost completely supportive. I almost couldn’t believe that this place had once scared me. Cause on my first day it was totally different.
I had walk into this huge room with lots of tables and chairs lined up neatly. About 5 rows high and about fifteen chairs to a table, it looked like the ideal place to scare someone new to this like me. I walked in with this boy Quinn, he seemed quiet compared to everyone else, but I don’t really think either of us knew what to expect. Behind a huge wall revealed about five other people, and old lady who would end up leading us, a strict woman named Justine, and a really nice and relaxed looking man, named Jeff would also be in charge too. I sit down and wait, watching groups of kids who know each other squeal with excitement, while other kids like me wait.
I kept thinking like great, this will be worse than prompts or CMTs. I’m stuck in this dumb writing program just so I can be in the high writing class, 8-1. Six hours wasted each day and I can’t believe it cost $700. I already hate this place. But every day I showed up with my brown hair and blonde highlights pulled back in a ponytail or braids and my feet in flip flops or sneakers. My shorts and a tee-shirt was what I wore, just like all the rest of them here, we didn’t care as much of how well we were dressed, we all just dressed for comfort. I almost couldn’t believe that I loved this place; that I smiled all the time and laughed constantly too.
When I first saw Charlotte, as she came in with shorts and a tee-shirt, I was ecstatic. She was the first person I knew there, the first and only person I knew before we started. We weren’t really friends, nor are we now, but when you see only one familiar face in a room, you tend to gravitate towards them, or at least that’s what I do.
I saw other people there too, a girl with curly brown Shirley Temple like hair. She had a blue dress shirt tucked into her blue jean shorts and a rainbow belt. I figured she’d be so goody two shoes who would annoy me non-stop. There was also this girl when I looked across the room. This girl, with blonde hair and a flowery blue colored spaghetti strap shirt. She slowly turned towards me and I mouth, “Hi……” She mouthed hi back. She slowly got up and walked towards me. She sat down next to me and that kind of just started out our friendship.
During that first day, I met a lot of people. Kenzie, who I’d later call Noodle, she was the one with the Shirley Temple hair. Brianne, she was the girl who had sat next to me, the blonde one. Caitlin, is this amazing and funny sophomore, and the freshmen Maria and Gina, they are these two really nice girls who I found out almost a week and a half in, are twins. This made up our core group. Well, most of it anyways. Caitlin, Maria and Gina sat with the other high schoolers but they talked with us more. Brianne, Charlotte and I started to sit together with Kenzie in tow. On that first day, Bri, Charlotte, Kenzie and I walked into this huge room, the cafeteria. As a group, we started gravitating towards the middle of the room. Slowly I walked towards this table at the center, a great spot, and it was empty! We sat down there relieved that there was an open table in the crowded room. We each ate pizza, fries, and of course one whole ice cream cone and one whole sundae every lunch. We’d go outside with 15 minutes left for our lunch brake and go climb trees and take amazing pictures. When we’d come back inside, our spot in that huge room, in what I called the “conference room”, is the second row up, closest to the door. It’s the spot I sat at on the first day, and every day that followed. Mid-afternoon, we’d go to the computer lab. We all sat in the back row, up on the right. That was until I met Bela on that third day.
You see on that third day, we were split into groups. I was with a few girls I didn’t really know but Kenzie was in my group. Brianne, she was annoyed because she was in a group with people we didn’t know. After about an hour of conferencing with those groups, we were reunited with our friends. When Bri walked back towards us though, this smart, nice, funny and cool looking girl came too. Brianne said, “Hey everyone, this is Bela. She’s in 7th grade too!” Bela stood in front of me and the extent of our first conversation was “Hi”…… “Hi” “Hi!” “Hi” “Hhhhhiiiiiii” “Hi.” Then she left to go back to her group of friends.. As you can see, I didn’t really think that we would be close, I mean those hi’s were kind of awkward and I was wondering why did she only talk to me? But the next day, she was sitting next to me, her on my right and Bri on my left. Charlotte and Kenzie were always a few seats over. But that also started a huge drama.
Bela is a sugar addict. You can’t have a soda each day at 9 in the morning and not be called one. So day after day I would wait for Bela if she didn’t have enough candy and needed to buy more, or if she needed to get something from her huge mass of stuff that she hadn’t grabbed before. I didn’t mind it and I mean sometimes I was getting something too. But Brianne, she got so annoyed. See, she wouldn’t wait for Bela, so I did. There wouldn’t be enough seats in the computer lab for all of us. So instead of splitting up, Bela and I would sit together somewhere else. She didn’t save both me and Bela seats like I would’ve. She kind of tried to separate us; that only made us closer.
I had written a poem about Brianne, about her, and the poem said, “Wardrobe is adorable, sometimes stronger than her.” This embodied what she was like. When I first saw her, I thought she was going to be a little rude and very snooty, but she was really just quiet and extremely insecure. I learned this and wrote this seemingly harmless line in her poem. Then someone who was anonymous decided to point out the fact that I thought her clothes made a bolder statement than she did. For 3 straight days, everyone in the back row on the right of the computer lab, they just kept writing all these things. The thing is, they knew it was true. I apologized though and she forgave me.
That didn’t mean the drama was over though. When Bela and I continued to be extremely close friends, Brianne got even more jealous. She started hitting me, pushing and just saying rude things that eventually made me just not want to be near her. Bela and I were affected the most by this. Noodle and Charlotte barely cared and Caitlin, Maria and Gina weren’t even aware. So after a while, Brianne stopped sitting with us, she moved to a different area, she talked with other people and we just started to try and forget her.
But on the last few days, Bri started talking to us again. I guess we didn’t want to end it badly, or at least as badly. Bela and I told her it was us who had prank called her a few days earlier. We had used Bela’s cell phone, demanded real estate info, and talked with a very weird almost Mediterranean accent. Basically, we found out that our two messages had freaked her out. Now things were semi-normal with Bri again. I mean, I still disliked her and so did Bela, but we figured maybe we should be nicer, include her a little, a mean we didn’t need to be best friends, only tolerant of each other. We ended the two week session of the Connecticut Writing Project hugging and laughing and already missing one another. Bela, Noodle and I knew we would keep in touch with hour long phone calls and sleepovers every month, but we were still just sad to end an amazing 2 weeks that felt like four. We will all probably do this again next year, and we probably will all try to stay in the same session, but there isn’t anyone saying, I will be there next year.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
How to Reassemble a Broken Anemic Sting Ray and Other Tales of the Belgian Revolution
First of all, may I start off by saying that you're going to need to wear a lot more protective gear than that flimsy top you have on if you're going to perform this invasive and highly delicate procedure. You wilil have to purchase a 63 1/2 piece cutlery set fro Ron Popeil as well, for drywall-cutting purposes, of course. Remember, when working with parallel electrodes, always make absolutely certain that the cations and anions are lined up correctly in specific proportion to the nearest alphametromagnetic reiteration module. When working with perpendicular electrodes, however, you must do all the following instructions in reverse order, making sure never to use your dominant hand in case there are some hungry phosphorescent gnome-ducks or dragon-trolls around. Without these procedures, the end result of this entire endeavor will look like molten raisins garnished on top of the tenderized remains of a crunchy carmelized warthog. While you're at it, shave some white chocolate into a plaster replica of Monticello, why don't you.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
“Nothing’s Going to Change”
The morning light
Shines through the window,
Has the impression
Of an eerie glow.
Plaster a smile
Upon my face, try to
Put myself back
In place.
Oh… nothing’s
Going to change, nothing’s
Going to change, another
Day all the same.
Oh… nothing’s going to
Change, Nothing’s going to change,
A new birth’s born every day…
Doesn’t matter what
Game I’ll play.
Silver liquid drops
Hit the ground.
Try and hear
the faintest sound.
The sun streams in,
Down comes the snow.
A casted shadow
Of a ghostly glow.
The morning light
Shines through the window,
Has the impression
Of an eerie glow.
Plaster a smile
Upon my face, try to
Put myself back
In place.
Be careful you don’t
Get left behind,
There will be
Nothing left to find.
Doesn’t matter what game,
I’ll play.
Friday, January 11, 2008
The girl I'll always love
For this little one shall be the one to be proud of
She’ll get high honors all through her years
In the highest classes all among her peers.
Here is the girl that will be accepted to Harvard
But unlike others will go somewhere else
She is the one who will be athletic and cool
A popular girl
Sweeter than any have seen.
Here is the girl sitting in my lap
A cute little darling
That puts up with my crap
She is the one who I’ll favor forever
She is beloved little sister.
Life Story
If I stand on the rooftops,
I look down at my story.
My journeys,
my adventures.
All that I have been through
is there.
I close my eyes and I try,
I try to remember.
Every detail sinks in,
every detail of my life.
Every second of pain,
every second of pleasure.
I open my eyes,
and my life is before me.
My entire life,
Is in my hands.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Lastly Spoken
Forcing out the words,
“I’ll never forget you.
I will always remember you,
Forever and ever.”
He turns and walks away,
Slowly fading,
A distant memory.
Trying to remember once again,
That special person,
Who is gone.
Gone forever.
His last words,
Still fresh in your mind,
Never truly absorbed.
“I’ll never forget you.
I will always remember you,
Forever and ever.”
You Scare Me Most
Is there something inside of you?
What’s compelling you to act this way?
Lack of affection?
Poor upbringing?
What gives you the right?
Why transfer your anger to others
And make them feel your pain?
Don’t hurt me in this way.
No one deserves to suffer.
Don’t make this about me.
Keep your feelings yours
And I’ll keep my feelings mine.
If you ask me what scares me,
I just might say you.
To the bullies of the world:
Forget about hate,
And don’t discriminate
Against all of us
that you’re treating like nothing.
We’re all human beings here,
Can you act like one?
CWP- Bela vs. Bri
okay, i know this isn't all completely nice. but this is a thing im doing for english. please make comments on whether or not i forgot something, i said something wrong, if this is an A worthy memoir. please remind me 2 of wat everyone looked like on the first day, becuase i can only remember bri's outfit. please, anything with the bri and madeleine drama. bela, read the last paragraph cause i aded more. Maria, Gina, im desperate!!!!!!!!!!!
I walk into this huge room with lots of tables and chairs lined up neatly. About 5 rows high and about fifteen chairs to a table, it looked like the ideal place to scare someone new to this like me. I walked in with this boy Quinn, he seemed quiet compared to everyone else, but I don’t really think either of us knew what to expect. Behind a huge wall reveals about five other people, and old lady who would end up leading us, a strict woman named Justine, and a really nice and relaxed looking man, named Jeff who also would also be in charge. I sit down and wait, watching groups of kids who know each other squeal with excitement, while other kids like me wait.
My brown hair with a lot of golden highlights is pulled back into a ponytail. My flip flops are digging into my toes and my blue eyes are alert, but a little relaxed from being so anxious but even more nervous. I am wearing my favorite blue tee-shirt and blue jean Bermuda shorts. My head is pounding from anticipation as I wait.
Around the corner comes Charlotte and even though we weren’t friends, I was just so happy to see someone I know. She sits next to me and I look around the room. This girl, with blonde hair and a flowery blue colored spaghetti strap shirt, slowly turns towards me and I mouth, “Hi……” She slowly gets up and walks towards me. She sits down next to me and that started our friendship. Slowly as the day progressed, Charlotte, Bri, and I walk towards a table. Close behind us is Kenzie, Caitlin, and Maria and Gina. This was the beginning of a very close group. Caitlin a sophomore, and Maria and Gina who were freshman, sat with the other high schoolers but they talked with us more. Brianne, Charlotte and me started to sit together every day. We sat at the same table at lunch, my table for in that huge room, and the back right row of computers in the computer lab. We were having fun sharing what we knew about writing.
On the third day, we were split into groups. I was with a few girls I didn’t really know but Kenzie was in my group. Brianne, she introduced me to this really nice girl, Bela, who was in her group. The extent of our first conversation was “Hi”…… “Hi” “Hi!” “Hi” “Hhhhhiiiiiii.” As you can see, I didn’t really think that we would be close, I mean those hi’s were kind of awkward. But the next day, she was sitting next to me, her on my right and Bri on my left. Charlotte and Kenzie were always a few seats over. But that also started a huge drama.
Day after day I would wait for Bela if she didn’t have enough candy and needed to buy more, or if she needed to get something. I didn’t mind it and I mean sometimes I was late too. But Brianne, she got so annoyed. There wouldn’t be enough seats in the computer lab for all of us. So instead of splitting up, Bela and I would sit together somewhere else. I had written a poem about Brianne, about her, and the poem said, “Wardrobe is adorable, sometimes stronger than her.” This embodied what she was like. When I first saw her, I thought she was going to be a little rude and very snooty, but she was really just quiet and extremely insecure. I learned this and wrote this seemingly harmless line in her poem. Then someone who was anonymous decided to point out the fact that I thought her clothes made a bolder statement than she did. For like 3 straight days, everyone in the back row on the right of the computer lab, they just kept writing all these things. The thing is, they knew it was true. I apologized though and she forgave me.
That didn’t mean the drama was over though. When Bela and I continued to be extremely close friends, Brianne got even more jealous. She started hitting me, pushing and just saying rude things that eventually made me just not want to be near her. So after a while, Brianne stopped sitting with us, she moved to a different area, she talked with other people and we just started to try and forget her.
On the last few days, Bri started talking to us again. I guess we didn’t want to end it badly, or at least as badly. Bela and I told her it was us who prank called her and things were semi-normal with Bri again.I mean, I still disliked her and so did Bella, but we figured maybe we should be nicer, include her a little, a mean we didn’t need to be best friends, only tolerant of each other. We ended the two week session of the Connecticut Writing Project hugging and laughing and already missing one another. Bela, Noodle and I knew we would keep in touch with hour long phone calls and sleepovers every month, but we were still just sad to end an amazing 2 weeks that felt like four. We will all probably do this again next year, and we probably will all try to stay in the same session, but there isn’t anyone saying, I will be there next year.
Monday, January 7, 2008
If Only I Was Stronger
If only I was stronger,
In however many ways,
Maybe then I wouldn’t be
Such an easy target.
For bullies or strays.
I would find other ways
To find hope and wisdom.
Looking farther than my backyard,
Farther than the mountaintops
I long to grab hold of.
Please let me be stronger,
For I want to be free.
Free of the burdens
I carry with such effort.
Free as the bird which I long to be.
To sing my songs
Without care or fear.
Or fly away when hurt was near.