Monday, March 23, 2009

Is that your homework?

I'm tired

Tired all the time now.

I'm tired of people wasting my time.
I alone should be the one to waste my time
Because what you view as me wasting time
could be the best thing for me.

I need to decompress.
Let all the air out of the balloon
and listen to it squeal.

I'm tired of playing other people's music
and tired of not having enough of my own.
I hate sitting down
and not having anything to say
with my fingers.

I'm tired of other people's expectations.
Maybe that's not what I want to do in life.
Stop pestering me.
That's a waste of my time
my time for ME.

I'm tired of feeling like Cinderella
when there's no evil stepfamily...


Maria said...

This may come across as a selfish and whiny little rant... basically it is a whiny little rant.

It's good to vent sometimes, I guess....

Gina said...

I'll pretend I don't know toward whom this piece is aimed...

Anonymous said...

It comes across as making perfect sense to me...
It's not just whiny, it's reality.

Gina said...

Of course you would stick up for her :) Just kidding...

Bela said...

Heehee, good one Gina! hey, Maria, nice of you to show up! Only kidding :)

So...Maria...Tony...nice :)

Ah, to be able to torment over the internet. Good times.

And I love the poem by the way! TONY is right! It's pretty much reality, what can you do? :D

Maria said...

Bela, you know you can't start without us dragging something out of the shrubs... did I say that?

Gina said...

SOMEone's using blackmail...

Bela said...

First of all, they were BUSHES! ...And secondly, NOT COOL. Not to worry though, I won't tell anyone about you-know-what...:)