Thursday, July 19, 2007

Just Listen.

“Just Listen.”

Listen softly to the pitter-patter of the rain,
on this muggy, hot night.
The thought of you leaving, gives me pain.

This move is inhumane.
I feel this is wrong and your plane leaves at twilight.
Listen softly to the pitter-patter of the rain.

Crying left my face tearstain.
The thought of being alone gives me fright.
The thought of you leaving, gives me pain.

Since the breaking news, each breath I take I feel as though I have been run over by a train.
I don’t know if I will ever be fully alright.
Listen softly to the pitter-patter of the rain.

The actions that followed fear were desperate and bordering insane.
Your sister’s face will forever haunt me; her silhouette
frightfully pale and white.
The thought of you leaving, gives me pain.

Until now I was never able to explain.
Nicki, your face once shone with sunshine, now it is as dark as night.
Listen softly to the pitter-patter of the rain.
The thought of you leaving, gives me pain.


brianne said...

I Love your poem. Its one of my favorites!!!

Anonymous said...

EEK! i love this poem.

A$H_CA$H_07 said...

HEYYY i KN0 disz wun !! i like it, s0 return a P0StiE

Maria said...

Sad poem. :( *sobs*

Your rhythm is off a little towards the end... but those long lines are kind of necessary, right?

Maria said...
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Anonymous said...

"I feel this is not right and your plane leaves at twilight."

Sometimes accidental internal rhyme can be irritating. Maybe "I feel this is wrong and your plane leaves at twilight." would work better.

Caitlin said...

okay, thank you.